During the time of Jesus, the Jews did not believe in Him, instead they look for signs. The generation referred to in the Gospel refused to believe in Jesus. But Jesus did not present the signs they expected, because if they ask for a sign it is because they do not believe. The only sign which is given is that of Jonah.
The sign of Jonah means any sign that leads to repentance and conversion. To the people of Nineveh, Jonah is a sign. But Jonah is not a great sign; he is not an inspiring man; he is a reluctant man. It does not matter because the people hear God even if Jonah is imperfect. Thus, people who are really seeking God, can find him through imperfect instruments. People of faith hear the Lord and can read the signs of the times. They do not need spectacular and miraculous events. They can find the Lord anywhere in the ordinary.
May our decision to repent and be converted do not only happen because they are part of our Lenten observance. But our repentance is a response to the Lord who calls us to conversion deep in our hearts. As we ask the Lord’s forgiveness and open our hearts to his graces to the necessary changes in life, may we experience his risen life more fully in our daily lives.
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